This is the temporary home of the SNPlocs packages for dbSNP156

See this discussion on GitHub for some context.

In particular see this comment for some technical details about the SNPlocs packages for dbSNP156.

IMPORTANT: The SNPlocs packages for dbSNP156 both require BioC >= 3.20!


SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP156.GRCh38_0.99.24.tar.gz is 6.7G and contains 989,474,892 rs ids.

Install it with:

repos <- c("", BiocManager::repositories())
install.packages("SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP156.GRCh38", repos=repos)

This will take several minutes so make sure to set R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT to 600 (10 minutes) or more in your .Renviron file:
You will typically need to restart R after making this change.


SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP156.GRCh37_0.99.24.tar.gz is 6.6G and contains 967,680,084 rs ids.

Install it with:

repos <- c("", BiocManager::repositories())
install.packages("SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP156.GRCh37", repos=repos)

This will take several minutes so make sure to set R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT to 600 (10 minutes) or more in your .Renviron file:
You will typically need to restart R after making this change.

Questions / feedback

Please report problems or ask questions here.